Hi everyone!
As we move away from our Facebook group 'Arapawa Goat Owners and Enthusiasts" and move towards our 'Members Area' on our website, I felt like now was a good time to discuss accessing the member's area and how to sign up.
If we don't receive your dues by February 28th, 2022 your membership will have officially lapsed! What does that mean? You will lose access to the member's section of the website, animal registrations will be $10 a registration, and registration transfers are $5 a transfer.
If you have already joined our website, congrats! Please remember that we do pause accounts as memberships lapse, as this is for up-to-date members. Once you are up-to-date on dues your account is unpaused and you are welcomed back in!
Click "Log In" on any page from the website. It will reside on the right side of the webpage.

2. Once you are on the "Log In" page, click "Sign Up".
In the future, this is where you will log in to access the members content

3. Choose your preferred way to sign up, all work fine. Just remember what your log in information is for the future!

4. You will receive a "Success!" notification once it has gone through! Please give me up to 48 hours to accept your request. I will get to it as soon as I am possibly able and as long as your dues are up-to-date, I will get you in!

You will receive an email/notification once your account has been approved. Once approved you are welcome to join us in the Members Area, please go ahead and introduce yourself!
If you ever lose your password, please email me at arapawa.webmaster@gmail.com and I can send a password reset to you.
Emily Nyman
AGBA President and Webmaster