General Appearance:
The standard Arapawa goat is a small, light-framed animal with all parts of the body in balanced proportion relative to its size. The buck presents as heavier in the head, neck and forequarters than the more refined doe. All Arapawa goats have distinctly patterned faces, which are long and narrow; dark brown or black-striped facial markings are distinctive features of the Arapawa breed. The ears are placed at the upper part of the skull and are small and expressive. Horns should be present and symmetrical, with the does’ sweeping up towards the back, and the mature bucks’ sweeping up, back and curling outwards. The overall picture is that of an alert, good-natured, attractive animal. Arapawa goats do not have wattles or blue eyes.
Does and bucks are considered mature at 24 months. As a general guideline, height at withers of a mature animal should be 61-71 cms (24-28 inches) for females and 66-76 cms (26 to 30 inches) for males.
Desirable Features:
Distinguishing male from female: Sexual differences between doe and buck should be immediately obvious.
Eyes: Full of expression, alert and bright, the Arapawa goats’ eyes have an amber iris and a black pupil.
Head and Neck: Strong and in proportion to the length of the body. The head is wide at the eyes and tapers to form a distinct bridge at the nose. Some (male and female) sport elegant goatee beards.
Back: Must be strong, broad and relatively straight. The presence of a dorsal stripe or shading along the center of the spine is expected.
Loins: Should give the appearance of strength. These attach to a wide, generous croup.
Rump: Continues the topline, and should have a gently sloping appearance to allow for easy kidding.
Tail: Short in relation to the body, pointing upwards.
Ears: The ears are erect and medium in length OR folded, reaching just below the eye level.
Limbs: The front legs should be in proportion to the depth of the body. The legs should be straight, strong and well placed, with strong pastern joints and well-formed, dark hooves.
Color: Arapawa goats vary in colour but are predominantly black, tan or ginger, brown, white and cream in varying combinations, with dark brown or black badger stripes on the face. Pure black Arapawa goats are accepted.
Coat: Lustrous and in good condition, free of foreign debris and parasites. The coat can be smooth, or the coat can be long on the hind quarters (petticoat), or all over, with some fringing along the back. In winter they have fine, matted underwool coats.
Doe: A strong emphasis on femininity. The round-bellied look of the Old English goat breeds, slender and fine-boned. The horns of the does are round, shorter than the bucks and curve backwards over the head. The doe should appear finer than the buck. Both her fore and hind legs should appear strong, but correspondingly finer and more delicate than the male’s.
Buck: A strong emphasis on masculinity. The round-bellied look of the Old English goat breeds, but should be solid and stocky. Flattened, wide-sweeping horns. The buck’s body structure should show more massive muscling than that of the doe.
Undesirable Features:
Does not necessarily lead to disqualification:
· Arched or sway back
· Overly fine-boned/appearing fraile
· Visible teeth
· Toes pointing outwards
· Knock knees
· Lack of masculinity in bucks
· Uneven udder
· Steep rump
· Supernumerary teats
Reasons for disqualification include:
· Wattles
· Bent or twisted facial expression
· Divided or uneven scrotum
· One testicle or undescended testicles.
· Blue eyes
· Hermaphrodite